SCHOOL: Directorate of Research and Innovation / Center for Mental Health
COLLEGE: College of Medicine and Health Sciences |
NAME: Stefan Jansen, PhD
Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer
Karel De Grootte Hogeschool (IHAM), Antwerpen, Belgium |
Candidate in industrial engineering |
06/1995 |
Industrial engineering |
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium |
Master in Theoretical Psychology |
06/2001 |
Experimental Psychology / Neuroscience |
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium |
PhD |
06/2010 |
Computational Neuroscience |
Positions and Employment
Dec 2016-present: Founding member Living Peace Rwanda NGO, auditor.
Living Peace Rwanda is a local ngo that works with men that are perceived as violent by their communities through promoting positive masculinity.
Nov 2016-present: Research Coordinator, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate
Studies, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda
I coordinate and promote all research activities for the College, taking on the responsibilities as director of the Grants and Research Support Center within the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate studies of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences in the University of Rwanda. I am responsible for developing a self-sustainable research support center with the aim of building research capacity and stimulating a research culture among students and staff of the college. I also provide leadership and coordinate multiple research and training initiatives and collaborations with various donors and partners.
Sep 2015-present: Ag. Deputy Director, Center for Mental Health, College of Medicine and Health
Sciences, University of Rwanda
I coordinate and promote all coordinate and promote all trainings and research related to mental health for the departments of psychiatry, clinical psychology, social work, mental health nursing and others.
2014-2016: Affiliate Senior Researcher, Department of Global Mental Health, University of
Glasgow, UK
For 20% of my time I was employed by the University of Glasgow. In this position I supervise and revise essays and thesis’s, teach, organise summer schools, set up joined research, and more.
2011-Sep 2015: Senior Researcher, Head of Research, Mental Health Department, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda
Seventy percent of my time is dedicated to research. My main areas of interest are global mental health, attitude and behaviour change models, (computational) genetics and (computational) neuroscience. Twenty percent of my time is dedicated to teaching. I have been teaching courses on medical psychology, general psychology, research methodology, introduction to biostatistics among others to groups of up to 390 students. The remaining ten percent of my time is dedicated to outreach activities. I have assisted in awareness campaigns against youth drug use, providing support to people suffering from emotional crises during genocide commemorations and more.
2010-present: Company Director and co-Founder of Aniku Ltd., Production Company
Together with Kris De Meyer, PhD. and Sheila Marschall, I founded the production company Anikulapo Ltd. with a vision to make documentaries that use state-of-the-art knowledge from neuroscience and psychology to give insight into interesting societal events. Our first feature-length documentary “Right between your ears” is being distributed through Java Films.
Project summary “Right between your ears”: A Christian group in California is convinced - beyond all doubt - that Judgement Day will happen on 21 May 2011. What drives these people? What makes them abandon their jobs, sell their houses and leave their families to set out on a mission to warn the rest of humanity? How will they cope with the brutal reality of seeing their deeply held beliefs denied when the sun rises on 22 May? And what does their experience tell us about that all too familiar feeling of being right, right between our ears?
2010- 2011: Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, KUL, Leuven, Belgium
Together with Prof. Johan Wagemans, I worked on a series of publications related to my PhD research.
2009-2011: Academic partner in DieGEM
I was part of the core academic team of DieGEM, an initiative that represents a joint effort of seven academic research groups and over thirty organisations in the field. With DieGEM we executed action research (real life solutions for real life problems) on the topic of society formation in a diversifying world. I worked in close cooperation with Roel Buisseret, director of the Athenaeum MXM Merksem, to improve on a range of problems (e.g, crime, low performance) his school is confronted with.
2006-2007: Visiting researcher at Birkbeck College, London
I was invited by Prof. Denis Mareschal to be a visiting researcher at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College, London, which allowed me to extend my knowledge on cognitive development and connectionist modelling.
2002-2010: Researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
I worked as a fulltime researcher at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, led by Prof. Johan Wagemans who acted as supervisor for my PhD. My research demanded for a conceptual analysis of different key problems within psychology and was mainly based on literature study, although it involved some computational modelling. I also took on various responsibilities in workshops, journal clubs and lab meetings. I invented and developed Artificial Gen Expression (AGE), a new methodology in computational neuroscience that allows for an investigation in the behavioral effects of genetic instructions. The PhD established the conceptual foundations of AGE. This work has been highly multidisciplinary and covers a wide range of fields: cognitive psychology, dynamical systems theory, connectionism, computational neuroscience, developmental psychology, embodied cognition, evolutionary theory, Artificial Life, molecular and behavioral genetics, neuroconstructivism, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science.
2001-2002: Logistic, administrative and financial coordinator in Faryab Province, Afghanistan, with Doctors without Borders (Belgian division)
In the post-war situation, Faryab province was mainly suffering from a three-year drought. As a logistic, administrative and financial coordinator, I was directly responsible for the 55 base staff and indirectly for the 200 hospital and feeding centre staff. During my stay we maintained 6 hospitals and 3 supplementary feeding centres and set up an additional 3 supplementary feeding centres. We also carried out the largest food distribution ever performed by Doctors without Borders (Belgian division) and ran a vaccination campaign (35000 children) in order to prevent an impending measles epidemic.
Other Professional Memberships
2014-present: Editor of Rwanda Medical Journal
2012-present: Ad Hoc reviewer, Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences, ISSN Print: 2226-728X
2014-present: Ad Hoc reviewer, Frontiers in Psychology: Impact Factor 2.8, ranks 20 out of 127 in Multidisciplinary Psychology (JCR Social Sciences Edition).
2014-present: Ad Hoc reviewer, Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience: Impact Factor 4.2, ranks 70 out of 251 in Neurosciences; 8 out of 49 in Behavioral Sciences
Other Experience
15-17 Nov, 2017: Co-Chair 1ST National Congress of Psychology (NCP 2017) and the 3RD East African Regional Conference of Psychology (EARCP2017).
4-6 Oct, 2017: Member of the Scientific Committee Joint 5th SASA International Conference & 2nd Rwanda Biotechnology Conference: ‘Translational Science and Biotechnology Advances in Africa’.
14-16 June, 2017: Member of the Scientific Committee, UR International Scientific Conference Week.
26-30 June, 2017: Main organizer (with Gishoma, D.). ‘Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions in a Low and Middle Income Setting’. College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda in collaboration with Institute of Health and Wellbeing, & Global Engagement Institute.
27 June – 1 July, 2016: Main organizer (with Gishoma, D.). ‘Mental Health Care Practice in Rwanda and the wider region'. College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda in collaboration with Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow & Global Engagement Institute.
18-25 June, 2016: Main organizer. Integrative Trauma Training. College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda in collaboration with Global Engagement Institute.
15-19 June, 2015: Main organizer (with White, R. & Gishoma, D.). International Global Mental Health Knowledge Exchange/Summer School 'Global Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing'. College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda in collaboration with Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow.
2014 –2015: Founder and Head of Group of Rwandan Impact researchers and Policy influencers – GRIP with 29 members. GRIP’s vision was to become an interdisciplinary group of researchers that has the technical and organizational capacity to autonomously carry out all research in Rwanda that is needed in support of an evidence-based health care provision system.
2013-2014: Leader of Journal Club with 8 members: Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Rudahindwa, S., Mutesa, L., Rutembesa, E:, Mutabaruka, J., Qu, A., Wildman, D.E., Jansen, S., Uddin, M. (2018). Transgenerational Effects of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: A PTSD Symptom Domain Analysis [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]. AAS Open Res 2018, 1:10. (doi: 10.12688/aasopenres.12848.1)
Owoso, A., Jansen, S., Ndetei, D.M., Musau, A., Mutiso, V.N., Mudenge, C., Ngirababyeyi, A., Gasovya, A. and Mamah, D. (2018) ‘A comparative study of psychotic and affective symptoms in Rwandan and Kenyan students’, Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 27, 157–168.
Uddin, M., Jansen, S., Tezler, E (2017). Biologic embedding of low socioeconomic status status: a premorbid risk factor for depression among high-risk adolescents? Bioessays, 39(3).
Sashidharan, S. P.; White, R, Mezzina, R, Jansen, S., Gishoma, D. (2016). Global mental health in high-income countries. British journal of psychiatry, Volume: 209, 1, 3-5.
Jansen, S., White, R., Hogwood, J., Jansen, A., Gishoma, D., Mukamana, D., & Richters, A. (2015). The ‘‘treatment gap’’ in global mental health reconsidered: sociotherapy for collective trauma in Rwanda. European Journal Of Psychotraumatology, 6.
Condo, J., Kateera, B., Mutimura, E:, Birungi, F., Ndagijimana, A. Jansen, S., Kamwesiga, J., Forrest, J. Mills, E., Binagwaho, A. (2014). Building clinical trial priorities at the University of Rwanda. Trials, 15:467.
Kind reminder. The peer reviewed book by ACCO Publishers was counted as equivalent to 6 peer reviewed publications at my appointment.
Book (Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content GPRC) - Jansen, S., & Wagemans, J. (2011). De Groeiende Robot. De Zoektocht naar Natuurlijke Intelligentie [The Growing Robot: Searching for Natural Intelligence]. (350pp.). Leuven, Belgium: ACCO Publishers. ISBN 978-90-334-7944-1.
Jansen, S. (2010). De Groeiende Robot. Onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid van Artificieel Leven [The Growing Robot. Research on the feasibility of artificial life]. PhD Dissertation. Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.
Conference proceedings
Jansen, S., Mutesa, L. Uddin, M., Wildman, D. (2018). H3Africa Consortium meeting, Human Heridity and Health in Africa, 11th edition. 21-25 March, 2018, Uganda.
Gishoma, D., Jansen, S., Nsabiyeze, S., & Ross, W. (2015, April). Promoting culturally sensitive understanding about mental well-being in Rwanda. Paper presented at the 36th annual conference of the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC), Rhode Island, USA.
Jansen, S., & Wagemans, J. (2010). Artificial Gene Expression: a modeller’s take on the nature-nurture debate. In Louis, M. (Ed.). Functional Neurobiology in Minibrains: From Flies to Robots and Back Again. 17-22 October 2010, pp. 48.
Other scientific output
Jansen, S., Kanyoni, M., Gishoma, D., Batete, R., & Nsingimana, J.P. (2014). National Youth Anti-drug Policy. Ministry of Youth and Information and Communication Technology. Green Paper. KHIBD2014:1.
“Right between your ears” full length film documentary – Scientific Advisor and Associate Producer. Distributed through JAVA films, UK. Awards: Docville International Documentary Film Festival, Official Selection, 2018; Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, Official Selection, 2018; American Psychological Association Film Festival, Official Selection, 2017; Lift Off Global Network, Sydney Winner Best Documentary; Lift Off Global Network, Los Angeles 2017; Lift Off Global Network, London 2017, Official Selection, 2017; Lift Off Global Network & Season Winner, 2017; Sibiu film festival, 2016, Official Selection. URL:
Technical reports
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hagabimana, J. (2017). Umurage Urukwiye & Impano n’Impamba, Rwanda Dose Effect Study, 04/01-10/02/2013; & 07/12/2015-15/01/2016. Population Media Centre, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2017:1
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hogwood, J., Gishoma, D., Kanyoni, M., Uhawenimana, T, & Ndikuryayo, A. (2016). Impano n’Impamba, Rwanda Endline Study, 07/12/2015-15/01/2016. Population Media Centre, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2016:2
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hogwood, J., Gishoma, D., Kanyoni, M., Uhawenimana, T, & Ndikuryayo, A. (2013). Umurage Urukwiye, Rwanda Baseline Study, 04/01-10/02/2013. Population Media Centre, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2013:1
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hogwood, J., Gishoma, D., Kanyoni, M., Uhawenimana, T, Ndikuryayo, A., & Connolly, S. (2013). Umurage Urukwiye, Rwanda Monitoring Study 1, 10/06-23/06/2013. Population Media Center, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2013:2
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hogwood, J., Fatou, J. & Connolly, S. (2014). Umurage Urukwiye, Rwanda Monitoring Study 2, 10/03-04/04/2014. Population Media Center, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2013:2
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Hogwood, J., Fatou, J., & Connolly, S. (2013). Impano n’Impamba, Rwanda Monitoring Study 3, 07/09-02/10/2015. Population Media Center, Vermont, USA. UR,CMHSBD2013:2
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Batamuliza, F., Mutuyimana, A., Niyonzima, J., & Merdy, J.C. (2013). Evaluation du Système de Gestion Logistique des Contraceptifs dans six districts sanitaires au Burundi. i+ Solutions: Den Haag (Netherlands). KHIBD2013:1
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Batanuliza, F., Mutuyimana, A., Niyonzima, J., & Rai, M. (2013). Exploration des barrières côté demandeurs à l’accèss contraceptive au Burundi : Etude `dynamique du marché’. I+ Solutions : Den Haag (Netherlands). KHIBD2013 :2
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Batamuliza, F., Mutuyimana, A., Niyonzima, J., & Rai, M. (2013). Evaluation du Système de Gestion Logistique des Contraceptifs dans six districts sanitaires au Burundi. i+ Solutions: Den Haag (Netherlands). KHIBD2013:3
Jansen, S., Kanyoni, M., Gishoma, D., Batete, R., & Nsingimana, J.P. (2014). National Youth Anti-drug Policy. Ministry of Youth and Information and Communication Technology. KHIBD2014:1
Jansen, S., Ndahindwa, V., Batamuliza, F., Mutuyimana, A., Hitayezu, F., & Merdy, J.C. (2013). Evaluation du Système de Gestion Logistique des Contraceptifs dans quatre districts sanitaires au Rwanda. i+ Solutions: Den Haag (Netherlands). KHIBD2013:4
Public engagement
Jansen, S. (2015). Als comfort voor principes komt (When comfort comes before principles). De Standaard, Belgium. URL:
Jansen, S. (2015). Western Citizens Lack Courage at Their own Peril. Huffington post, URL:
Jansen, S. (2016). The Gaussian Curve – Or How to Avoid Terrorist Attacks. Huffington Post, URL:
C. Research Support.
Ongoing Research support
Funder: R2HC-Elhra
Summary: The primary aim of the proposed research is to measure the psychological and social impact of LPint. We will look at GBV reduction and its consequences for the targeted men, their wives/partners, their children and their communities. Our secondary aim assesses whether this change in behaviour (i.e. reduced GBV) is mediated or moderated by a reduction in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other psychopathological conditions.
Dates: 2018-2021
Amount: £440’040 (equivalent to 528’048 USD)
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: 1U01MH115485-01 - Transgenerational Epigenomics of Trauma and PTSD in Rwanda; National Institute of health – H3Africa
Funder: NIH (Main recipient)
Summary: The goal of the proposed work is to characterize the transgenerational genomic impact of genocide exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women survivors of the Rwandan genocide and their offspring. The findings from this study will shed light on the biologic mechanisms that contribute to increased risk of PTSD in a transgenerational context, inform the development of therapeutic interventions, and increase scientific capacity in Rwanda.
Dates: 2017-2021
Amount: 1’250’000 USD
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator MPI
Project: 1G11TW010348-01A1 - Enhancing HIV Research Training Capacity in Univ. of Rwanda's Research Office; National Institute of health
Funder: NIH (subaward)
Summary: UR-CMHS and Einstein will, through this grant, develop a sustainable research administrative capacity through a dedicated research office to facilitate research activities at all phases of the grant cycle including pre-award and post award processes, ensuring research integrity, financial oversight, regulatory compliance, management and accounting for revenue, through three specific aims: 1.) develop leadership in research administration, 2.) enhance UR-CMHS capacity in administrative research support infrastructure, and 3.) develop UR-CMHS to serve as a grant resource center hub in Rwanda.
Dates: 2017-2019
Amount: 296’240 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Pending Research support
Project: 1R01MH117758-01 - Transgenerational Patterns of Altered Neural Processing Associated with Trauma and PTSD in Rwanda
Funder: NIH (Subaward)
Summary: The proposed work seeks to characterize the intergenerational transmission of PTSD in a sample of women who were pregnant during the Rwandan genocide and developed PTSD and their child who was in utero at the time of the genocide, as well as a demographically matched, non-genocide exposed control group. This design enables us to test whether genocide exposure is associated with altered neural phenotypes that persist across generations, which will inform us on the pathways and transmission of brain dysfunction in PTSD.
Dates: 2018-2023
Amount: 2’500’000 USD
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator MPI
Project: Treating depressive symptomatology in Congolese Refugees in Uganda and Rwanda: Adapting and Evaluating Community-based Sociotherapy
Funder: Economic and social Research Council, UK
Summary: The proposed work aims to: 1) adapt assessment measures, and the content of CBS to address the needs of refugee populations in Uganda and Rwanda; 2) assess the efficacy, fidelity and cost-effectiveness of adapted CBS (aCBS) to reduce the depressive symptoms of Congolese refugees, and the mediating role of daily stressors and social capital upon these changes; 3) develop implementation guidance for adapting, delivering, supervising and monitoring aCBS for refugees across diverse settings.
Dates: 2018-2022
Amount: £1’152’626 (equivalent to 1’383’151 USD)
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator MPI
Completed research support
Project: Road safety for long distance busses in Rwanda – an educational intervention
Funder: USAID through Georgetown University (subaward)
Dates: 2016-2017
Amount: 107’132 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: Impano n’Impamba: Monitoring study
Funder : Population Media Centre
Dates : 2016
Amount : 17'500 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: Measuring the Educational Effects of the radio drama Impano n’Impamba - endline study
Population Media Centre
Dates : 2016
Amount : 65'500 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: Umurage Urukwiye: Monitoring study 1
Funder: Population Media Centre
Dates: 2013
Amount: 14'000 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Developing the national youth drug policy and law
Funder: Ministry of Youth Rwanda
Dates: 2014
Amount: 35'000 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: Umurage Urukwiye: Monitoring study 2
Funder: Population Media Centre
Dates: 2014
Amount : 14'000 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project: Evaluating Contraceptives Supply Chain Management Burundi & Rwanda
Funder: i+solutions
Dates: 2013
Amount: 60'000 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Evaluating Contraceptives Marketing Dynamics Burundi
Funder: i+solutions
Dates: 2013
Amount: 15'000 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Project:Assessment of Bipolar and Psychosis Risk in Rwanda
Dates: 2012-2013
Funder: Washington University
Amount: 8'000 USD
Role: co-principal Investigator co-PI
Project: Measuring the Educational Effects of the radio drama Umurage Urukwiye - Baseline study
Funder: Population Media Centre
Dates: 2012
Amount: 51'800 USD
Role: Principal Investigator PI
Applied, but not awarded research support in the past three years (> 1’000’000 USD)
Project: Strengthening Health Sciences Higher Education in Rwanda
Funder: Spheir – British Council
Dates: 2017-2020
Amount: £5’000’000 (equivalent to 6’000’000 USD)
Role: co-Principal Investigator co-PI
Project: 1R01MH108368-01A1 - Epigenetic and neural correlates of the transgenerational transmission of trauma and PTSD in Rwanda
Funder: NIH (subaward)
Dates: 2016 - 2021
Amount: 2’500’000 USD
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator PI
Project: 1R01MH108368-01- Epigenetic and neural correlates of the transgenerational transmission of PTSD in Rwanda
Funder: NIH (subaward)
Dates: 2015 - 2020
Amount: 2’500’000 USD
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator PI
D. Teaching.
Undergraduate courses
Year |
Course |
Number of credits |
Number of students |
Year of the study |
Responsibility |
2011-2017 |
Medical psychology |
10 |
Between 320 and 400 |
1 |
Teaching |
2013 - 2017 |
Introduction to Biostatistics |
10 |
Between 120 and 150 |
2 |
Teaching |
2014-2106 |
Global Mental Health (Guest lecturer Glasgow University: The experience of Rwanda) |
10 |
Between 30-40 |
Post Graduate |
Teaching |
2013 |
Research Methodology (Health Informatics) |
10 |
Between 30-40 |
Post Graduate |
Teaching |
2011 |
Philosophy of Nursing |
10 |
4 |
3 |
Teaching |
PhD supervision
- Together with Prof Leon Mutesa, I will be supervising Clarisse MUSANAGABANWA, for whom the contract is being prepared as a PhD candidate on the project ‘1R01MH108368-01A1 - Epigenetic and neural correlates of the transgenerational transmission of trauma and PTSD in Rwanda’.
- I will supervise an as yet unidentified PhD candidate who will be working on the project ‘R2HC#30993 - Evaluating the Psychological and Social Impact by Promoting Positive Masculinity Through the ‘Living Peace’ Program in DRC’. The position will be announced in the coming week.
Curriculum Development
- I have participated in two rounds of updating the full curriculum for Mental Health Nursing, when staff member of the Department.
- I have participated in one round of updating the full curriculum for Clinical Psychology, as Ag. Deputy Director of the Center for Mental Health. I especially contributed to the section ‘Biology of Mental Health’.
- Together with Dr. Darius Gishoma, I developed the curriculum for the three international summer schools on Global Mental Health we organize on a yearly basis.